Tilting Trike "ITALICS"

‘ITALICS’ is a tilting reverse trike with full suspension and low

center of gravity. The vehicle

 has several trim levels: basic, electric, 

open cargo, closed cargo, family cargo, weather protection and a

front fairing that can be used as a helmet case in the  bike sharing

version. The tricycle is suitable for all-weather (4 seasons) 

conditions  and provides better grip even on low-grip roads and

better bracking performance making it perfect with principals of

“Universal design” for all ages. The two front wheels steer with an

Ackermann principle, are shock-absorbing and have a tilting

mechanism in curves that makes riding safer with an

incredible amount of grip.


Art Director: Ely Rozenberg


The project won the ‘Design+4’, 2021 and  ‘Design+2022’

competitions, promoted by the  General Direction for the

Protection of Industrial Property – UIBM of the Ministry of

Economic  Development and managed by Unioncamere, Italy.

Actual stage: working prototype


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